Ayurveda Daily Routine


Dinacharya (“din” meaning day, and, “acharya” meaning to follow) is the Sanskrit word for daily routine. It is a set of practices and a way of living which embraces our rhythmic nature and encourages healthy cycles by living close to the day. A good morning routine gets you moving in a peaceful, balanced way and prepares the body for breakfast by purifying your organism of its wastes.

I’m listing the basic guidelines below, but, please allow it to be a jumping-off point. You will need to do a little homework to determine your dosha (constitution) as well. Ayurveda is all about your personal rhythms and experiences. Find the best practices which honor and nourish YOU!

  1. If possible, wake up before sunrise when there are loving qualities in the air. Kapha types should try to awaken by 4:30 am, Pittas by 5:30 am, and Vatas by 6:30 am.

  2. Say a prayer/blessing before leaving the bed.

  3. Clean the face, mouth, and eyes with cool water. Massage eye lids, blink several times, and rotate eyes in all directions. Dry your face with a clean towel.

  4. Scrape the tongue gently from back to front with a tongue scraper approximately 10 times. This stimulates internal organs, helps digestion, and removes bacteria.

  5. Gargle with sesame (Vata), coconut (Pitta), or sunflower (Kapha) oil, spit it out, and then massage gums with the remaining oil using your finger.

  6. Clean teeth with a soft toothbrush.

  7. Drink a glass of water (copper cup if possible), either room temperature or one you left out the night before. This flushes the kidneys, washes the GI tract, and stimulates peristalsis.

  8. Evacuate bowels and bladder.

  9. Warm shower.

  10. Abhyanga - warm oil massage over the entire body. Scalp massage calms nerves and oiling before bed = better sleep. Best oil for Vata is sesame, Pitta oil is sunflower or coconut, Kapha oils are sunflower or mustard.

  11. Neti pot - 1/2 to 1 tsp fine grain non-iodized salt in 16 oz water. (See Neti pot directions for specific use.)

  12. Nasya - massage 3-5 drops of warm oil or ghee in each nostril.

  13. Oil in ears - 1-3 drops of warm oil in ears. Vata - sesame, Pitta - brahmi, Kapha - neem, vacha

  14. Oil the face with sesame oil.

  15. Meditation - am and pm, brings peace and balance to your life.

  16. Pranayama - breath work.

  17. Yoga or exercise to half your capacity.

  18. Breakfast - lighter fare in hot months or when your digestive fire is low, more nourishing when weather turns cold.

Evening routine

After supper, enjoy time with family, relax, read, listen to music, etc. If you are not a morning shower-taker, perhaps you spend some time taking a bath and doing an evening oil massage, nasya, or oiling face/ears. As you wind down, taking some time for reflection, breathing, and meditation will prepare you for a good night’s sleep.

Amy Jensen