Sagittarius Lunar Eclipse, June 5th, 2:11 pm CT

Dr. Emoto water crystals

“In we are and on we must go.” ~ Alice O. Howell

Such sadness, such grief… the senseless, brutal, symbolic, and ritualistic killing of Mr. George Floyd has plunged us into some very deep waters. In the “Twin Cities”, where the Mississippi River divides Minneapolis and St. Paul, the deep divide within many humans has been exposed. The US Pluto return has begun, and the issue of racial injustice needs to be acknowledged, rectified, and healed.

Because of Mr. George Floyd, however, there are also many more who have aligned themselves with the strength of love and the truth of Unity.  We are all One. Separation is an illusion. It is the path of love and connection which will lead us forward as we heal this chasm. And, we can heal this. Do not let anyone tell you that we can’t. We are powerful, creative beings.

Dr. Masaru Emoto studied the effects of focused thoughts on the formation of crystals in frozen water. The samples of water which were from clear springs or which received concentrated thoughts of a loving nature produced beautiful, symmetrical patterns. The samples of water from polluted sources or which received concentrated thoughts of a negative, inharmonious nature produced asymmetrical, unbalanced patterns.

What would happen if we started visualizing loving and peaceful thoughts to the water sources around us? Visualize the most beautiful color of water that you can imagine, whatever that might be for you. Blue, green, aqua… clear, cool… visualize each particle of that beautiful color as effervescent… alive… joyful… vibrant… Add a loving, peaceful thought along with this color. Then, begin visualizing this loving effervescent color into the rivers, the ponds, the lakes, the wells, the tap water. Make this a simple mindful meditation bringing the power of love and peace into everyday moments. Collectively linking our everyday moments, we flow together in the waters of Life.

Amy Jensen